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07 Jun 2024

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18 May 2023

SEPA Payments

Firhouse Credit Union is registered for SEPA payments only.

22 Feb 2023

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16 Feb 2023

Limit on Withdrawals

There is a limit for Withdrawals Online of €1000. If you need to Transfer a larger amount please visit our office and we can arrange this for you.

Other Services

Bureau de Change - Foreign Exchange

A full foreign exchange service is available to our members

  • Foreign Currency

Please order well in advance.

Electronic Fund Transfer

You may not have heard of EFT but you have probably experienced it.  You create an online payment. EFT is, in effect, electronic credit transfer.

EFT is the most popular method of paying your funds from your credit union account into the bank, and will progressively replace cheques in Ireland.

Direct Debits

The definition of a direct debit is short but the product is more complex. The definition reads "a preauthorised debit on the payer’s bank account initiated by the payee."

A more appropriate definition might be that a direct debit "is a scheme whereby you as an account-holder authorise payees (e.g. utility companies, insurance companies, mortgage companies) to charge amounts (unspecified at the time of authorisation) to your account provided that they notify you of the detailed amounts to be charged".

Standing Orders

Standing orders can be used to pay regular instalments, or other payments (provided the amount remains constant).

CU Cash

An everyday account for "day-to-day" banking. It is the type of account into which your salary is typically paid and you pay your bills from.

Loan Protection Insurance

Loan Protection Insurance is the insurance cover the Credit Union provides on the lives of its borrowing members.

Should an insured borrower die, or (under most contracts) become totally and permanently disabled for any occupation, the insurance cover provides that the loan is repaid in full. If a member who is eligible for insurance cover and has signed the promissory note dies with a loan outstanding, the loan balance is paid in full by the insurer.

You will be informed at the time of the loan application if your loan exceeds the amount covered by the credit unions policy. Under the basic policy death cover ceases on the members 70th birthday. The credit union has the option of extending this age limit to the members 80th birthday by affecting cover under the Over 70 Rider. Disability cover however ceases on the eligible members 60th birthday.

SEPA Payments

Firhouse Credit Union is registered for SEPA payments only.

If as a member you wish to transfer funds into your account, then the payment should be made as a SEPA payment only. If you are aware that a third party is making a payment into your account, it is advisable that they tell their financial institution that the payment should be made via SEPA. If a payment is sent in any other way, for example by SWIFT, the payment will be rejected by our processing Bank and the Payer may incur a rejection charge that he/she may be liable for.

What is a SEPA payment?

SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area. A SEPA payment is sent through the SEPA Scheme. The SEPA payment scheme was created to simplify euro transfers between EU member states.

The SEPA scheme consists of the 27 EU Member States plus Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, the United Kingdom and San Marino.

To make a SEPA payment you need:

  1. The IBAN of the person you want to pay
  2. The bank to which you are sending the payment to be a member of the SEPA scheme
  3. The payment to be in euro

Please note: Firhouse Credit Union is unable to accept SWIFT payments. You may incur charges if you attempt to send money to your account in Firhouse Credit Union via SWIFT.

Fees and Charges


FREE Statements on your savings, loans and access balance will continue once a year by post. For additional statement requests, the following charges will apply.

Item: Statement RequestCost: €2.50 (plus €1 if posted)

AVOID THIS FEE: Sign up for Online Banking. Print a free statement online anytime, any date.

Members aged 66 years and over are exempt from paying these charges.


Item: Lodge a ChequeCost: FREE

Item: Withdraw a ChequeCost: €2.00 per cheque (inclusive of stamp duty)

Item: Cancel or stop a ChequeCost: €5.00

Item: Returned ChequeCost: €5.00


Item: 1st PinCost: FREE

Item: Replacement PinCost: €5.00

Direct Debits

Item: Unpaid Direct DebitsCost: €10.00